12773307 - Buy a Building Plot in India, Madhya Pradesh, Indore, Indore

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Building Plot for sale in Indore

Property Information

Type: Building Plot Property ID: 12773307
Location: Indore, India Added on: 23 Mar 2019
Price: £13,158

Short Description

Jaiswal builders current project Saffron City is a township project coming up at just a stones throw away from the most talked about Super Corridor, Indore

Key Information

  • Property ID: 12773307
  • Location: Indore
  • Property Type: Building Plot
  • Prices: £ 13,158 / € 15,031 / $ 15,494

Full Description

Jaiswal builders current project Saffron City is a township project coming up at just a stones throw away from the most talked about Super Corridor, Indore

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  • Indore
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