31795760 - Buy a Apartment in India, Maharashtra, Greater Bombay, Mumbai

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Apartment for sale in Mumbai

Property Information

Type: Apartment Property ID: 31795760
Location: Mumbai, India Added on: 30 Mar 2019
Price: POA

Short Description

This project is one of the ongoing super luxurious apartments. The apartment is located at the heart The asking price is 136.44 lacs. This property is located at Kandivali East, Alika Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Kandivali East

Key Information

  • Property ID: 31795760
  • Location: Mumbai
  • Property Type: Apartment
  • Prices: POA / POA / POA

Full Description

This project is one of the ongoing super luxurious apartments. The apartment is located at the heart The asking price is 136.44 lacs. This property is located at Kandivali East, Alika Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Kandivali East

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