12466607 - Buy a Villa in India, Gujarat, Ahmadabad, Ahmedabad

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5 Bed Villa for sale in Ahmedabad

Property Information

Type: Villa Property ID: 12466607
Location: Ahmedabad, India Added on: 23 Mar 2019
Price: £205,105

Short Description

5BHK Independent HouseVilla is available for sale in very good peace full locality,Immediate sale well built and beautifully maintained bungalow situated at very prime location ,Well built room , Kitchen ,Bath, Parking ,Security 24 hr personal, Children p

Key Information

  • Property ID: 12466607
  • Location: Ahmedabad
  • Property Type: Villa
  • Prices: £ 205,105 / € 234,304 / $ 241,520

Full Description

5BHK Independent HouseVilla is available for sale in very good peace full locality,Immediate sale well built and beautifully maintained bungalow situated at very prime location ,Well built room , Kitchen ,Bath, Parking ,Security 24 hr personal, Children playing area near by..Price 1.95Cr

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  • Villa
  • 5 bedrooms
  • India
  • Ahmedabad
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