41220724 - Buy a Castle in France, Aquitaine, Landes, Dax

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8 Bed Castle for sale in Arrondissement de Dax

Property Information

Type: Castle Property ID: 41220724
Location: Arrondissement de Dax, France Added on: 14 Jul 2022
Price: £1,706,991

Short Description

Au coeur des Landes, dans le charmant village d'Habas, le Chteau d'Ous est un refuge inspirant d'une grande lgance. Construit en 1636, il n'a connu que 3 propritaires, ce qui lui a permis de conserver ses lments d'origine. Les lieux ont t depuis

Key Information

  • Property ID: 41220724
  • Location: Arrondissement de Dax
  • Property Type: Castle
  • Prices: £ 1,706,991 / € 1,950,000 / $ 2,010,060

Full Description

At the heart of the Landes department, in the charming village of Habas, this hugely elegant chateau is a perfect escape!

Constructed in 1636, this stunning home has incredibly only had 3 owners! It is beautifully presented and has been respectfully renovated throughout but it keeps many of the original features.

The property is light and bright and offers spacious and comfortable living spaces. Beautiful floors and woodwork throughout, Needs to be seen to appreciate.

The domaine offers around 10 hectares of fields and woodland as well as a beautiful pool and pool house in a totally peaceful and serene environment, ideally for those looking to relax and unwind. Having said that, it is not isolated, you are only 40 minutes from the sea, between the Basque country and Bearn.

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  • Castle
  • 8 bedrooms
  • France
  • Arrondissement de Dax
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